You will research one current topic involving corporate finance. The topic se

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You will research one current topic involving corporate finance. The topic selected should be discussed with the instructor during Weeks 1 and 2.  Be sure your topic is current, relevant, cutting edge, and particularly interesting to you. Example topic areas include: 
The effects of the general economy on a particular firm (inflation, interest rates, currency exchange rates) 
A new innovation/product.  
How A.I. may affect a particular firm 
Corporate leadership/governance 
The financial status of a particular firm  
Corporate Trade issues 
If you choose to study a particular corporation, choose a company that is listed on a public exchange.  However, do not choose any of the following:  Apple, Netflix, Tesla, Amazon, Starbucks, Meta, Walmart, Google or Amazon.  Also, do not write about crypto currency. 
Here are the specific guidelines for the paper: 
Use a Word document to create your 8 to 12-page double-spaced paper. 
Follow current APA guidelines to write your paper. 
Include a reference page and in text citations.  Citations must be included. 
Do not write in the first person. Second or third person is fine as long as who is being referred to is clear. 
Do not begin a sentence with ‘they” (who is they?). 
Do not use papers submitted in prior classes. 
Use spell check and grammar check. 
Note: If you need more details, please refer to the APA manual provided by National University 
Length: 8-10 pages not including title or reference page.  
References: At least 4 peer-reviewed scholarly citations from the university library.  

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