Watch the documentary FRONTLINE: Opiods, Inc. (53:52)

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Watch the documentary FRONTLINE: Opiods, Inc. (53:52)

Opioids, Inc.

Reflect on the documentary. Write a reflection essay that draws connections between the documentary and specific concepts and ideas included in the module reading from the Health Care Policy (Chapter 11) in the required book.
The reflection essay should be written within the following space limit:
****Up to one-page, single-spaced, 12-font size, and 1-inch margin****
Include in-text citations from the book (page numbers included) and the documentary
You must follow APA style of referencing on a film or a documentary. Check the Module 0: Resource Page for APA style. If you google APA style for films and documentaries, you must check multiple sources to make sure the information you found is correct.
No quotes are allowed.
Unless your submission follows the above instructions, I won’t grade your answer.
Assignments should be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or an Adobe PDF file (.pdf).
To prevent plagiarism, all assignments will be submitted through Turnitin.

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