For the first paper, please analyze and interpret the speech delivered in Boston

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For the first paper, please analyze and interpret the speech delivered in Boston in 1869 by Frederick Douglass titled “The Composite Nation” in Foner, Voices of Freedom.
In the mid-nineteenth century thousand of immigrants from China came to the United States every year. Most worked low-wage jobs which white Americans refused to do, especially the railroads. But by 1869 (the year of Douglass’s speech) railroad jobs became fewer and Chinese workers went to cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles to seek work. Competing with white laborers aggravated racial tensions and led to a series of race riots.
Frederick Douglass was an Abolitionist and former slave who gained his freedom in the 1820s and dedicated his life to ending slavery. Having contributed to the ending of slavery, equal protection for black men, and the right to vote for black men, Douglass continued to work at attaining equality for African Americans. But he also lent his assistance to other movements for social and political justice, especially women and immigrants.
Why does Douglass feel the need to support the cause of Chinese immigrants?
What does he mean by describing the United States as a “composite nation”?
Why did Douglass’ views on immigrants contradict the general views that most white Americans held in the years after the Civil War?
For the paper it is absolutely imperative that you cite your sources using one of the acceptable academic citation styles (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.), and that the citations are correct. If you fail to submit a paper with citations you will fail the assignment. You must cite your sources.
Your paper must be submitted to Turnitin. There is a link to upload your paper at the bottom of this page.
The paper must include the following:
A descriiptive title.
A thesis statement and an argument. Do not simply summarize or describe the sources. Provide an analysis of the meaning and significance of the texts. In other words, form an interpretation of the texts.
Provide evidence from the text to support your thesis statement. The evidence must come from the text itself.
Use in-text or inline citations with a works cited page or bibliography at the end of your paper.
750-1250 words (a minimum of 3 full pages, roughly, 3-5 pages).
10 or 12-point readable font, double-spaced, with 1” margins
Submit your paper on Canvas using the Turnitin link. You will only be able to submit your paper once. You must submit the file in a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file format.

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