Vasodilator Grading Rubric Includes both Classification and Medication name

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Vasodilator Grading Rubric
Includes both Classification and Medication name that is easily visible
Includes at least one Image, cut and pasted
Includes a minimum of 3 side effects
Is accurate and easy to read
Drug Names: hydralazine (Apresoline), sodium nitroprusside (Nitropress)
Mechanism of Action:
· Causes vasodilation via direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle resulting in
decreased blood pressure, decreased vascular resistance, and increased cardiac output
Indications for Use:
· Hypertension (*fastest acting antihypertensive agent)
Nursing Considerations / Priority Assessments:
· Monitor blood pressure (may have prn orders such as administer every 6 hours as needed
for systolic BP greater than 160 and/or diastolic BP greater than 100)
· Report signs of infection
· Given IV push (undiluted) over 1 minute
Adverse / Side Effects:
· Hypotension
· Palpitations, angina
· Headache
· Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
· Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Patient Teaching and Education:
· Do not stop taking abruptly
· Do not double up on medication doses
· Do not use while pregnant

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