References to uses for powerpoint Orr, D. (2021). Team for Change: A Practition

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References to uses for powerpoint Orr, D. (2021). Team for Change: A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementing Change in the Modern Workplace. Emerald Publishing Limited. Read Chapters 8-9. P. 92-111. 
TEDx Talks. (2013, January 7). Six keys to leading positive change: Rosabeth Moss Kanter at TEDxBeaconStreet [Video file].
TEDx Talks. (2022, September 8). What leaders need to know about change. Taylor Harrell. TEDxSDSu [Video file].
Harvard Business Publishing. (2023). Your role in the employee journey.
Clausen, B., & Kragh, H. (2019). Why don’t they just keep on doing It? Understanding the challenges of the sustainability of change. Journal of Change Management, 19(4), 221–245. Metz, M. (2021). Overview of change in organizations. Resistance to change. A literature review. Ovidius University Annals, Series Economic Sciences, 21(1), 611–620.
Orr, D. (2021). Team for change: A practitioner’s guide to implementing change in the modern workplace. Emerald Publishing Limited.

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